Grant Application Questions
Note: Effective 15 May 2022, v1 is superseded by v2
Application Questions
For grants < $50K, use the Google Form
For grants > $50K, post in the Governance Forum and in Snapshot
(*) indicates required
What category best describes your grant request? *
0x orderbook
0x protocol feature development
Polygon deployment
Non-DeFi business models and use cases
Research, simulation, and analytics related to tokenomics design
Branding strategy
Community engagement
Developer engagement and support
Grant amount requested (grants will be awarded in $ZRX and/or $MATIC tokens) *
Point of contact information (email, twitter, discord, telegram, etc.) *
Team background (or applicant if there is no team) *
Project background (if existing project)
Description of work to be funded (and how funds will be used) *
Budget breakdown (prefer some mapping to timeline, milestones, or desired outcomes) *
Benefit to 0x ecosystem (prefer quantifiable) *
Risk/Reward factors (not required but will help us assess and score)
Some suggested topics are listed below but may not apply to all types of projects or situations; please use your own judgment regarding which ones may be relevant
What do you consider to be the critical success factors and do you have a system in place for tracking metrics against them?
Do you have an existing product? Can you share any adoption metrics to date, such as volume, DAU/MAUs, # of trades, etc?
How much volume do you expect to drive to 0x protocol per month? Similarly, how many users do you expect to bring to 0x protocol?
Does your project have a token or plan on having a token? Please share any additional relevant information such as token distribution, token mechanics, and the size of your treasury.
Does your project have any other sources of funding?
Are you open to a token swap or other arrangement to share risk and upside exposure? If so, have you done token swaps with other projects/protocols and what are the terms?
Are there any known dependencies outside of your control that may affect this effort?
Can you quantify the level of support you may need from the 0x team?
Additional info (anything else you think is important for us to consider)
Application feedback (help us improve!)
Last updated